A comic series project I started in 2021. A story of twin sisters, one born of the moon and one of the sun, who learn to bridge the gap between natural and synthetic. This project started when I created the two characters as a reflection of myself. During the pandemic I learnt a lot about myself and noticed how I was changing and evolving. Orion represents my shy and reserved nature but in the recent years I have seen my confidence grow and have become acquainted with my adventurous and outspoken ways. While developing this story, I was in search of similar media entered around Black women and it was always a struggle. Growing up it was always difficult to see myself represented in the 'nerd' world so I've made it a personal mission to create this. One example is showing the endless versatility of afro hair shown in each character.
MY process
I use Autodesk Sketchbook Pro and Clip Studio Paint